![]() THE WINNERS "HEY, HEY! Could you all go outside and do this, please. I need to get the chariot out of the garage" 26 Feb
"No no no! I said ONE warning shot!" 31 March J.Hurst
The next two winners have been picked by Nic Robson and the crew at Eureka Miniatures, who have also donated a couple of packs from their 28mm Conquistador range as prizes.
"Wrong again, Xaioren. My men CAN hit the broad side of a barn!" 11th March Rob
"Ding-Dong" Avon calling!" 17thMarch Dave
The next two winners have been picked by James Shields of Fozzbozz, who has also donated a couple of packs of the Terror-cotta warrior Zombies as prizes.
"I no Care how far you come. You no ticket, you no laundry" 27th Feb Neil Brady
Man at door" Hmmmmm, it's now clear why the 'Cross Eyed Crossbowmen of Hang Kang' were so cheap to hire." 26 Feb Steve
The next two winners have been picked by Steve Mynes of Age of Glory, who has also donated a couple of packs of 28mm Chinese warring states figures as prizes.
man in doorway: "Well, this certainly isn't the year of the archer...." 12March Rex
"Hm! He is made of harder stuff! Colonel Fang! Fetch...... THE COMFY CHAIR!" 28thFeb Dave
The next two winners have been picked by Dave and Mark, of TMterrain who have also donated a couple of 28mm Japanese terrain pieces as prizes.
"Arrow,.. Arrow ...Arrow... wot's going on ere then?" 25 Feb, Brendan
"Have you ever considered double glaz......I'll come back later then." 25 Feb, Porthius
Many thanks to all that entered, We had great fun reading them all.
prizes will be on their way shortly
some last second entries!
"And suddenly, the wisdom of the old saying, 'don't bring a sword to a crossbow fight,' was called into question."
"No no no! I said ONE warning shot!"
"No fair! He's got a sword! All we have are these stupid crossbows"
man in door "Strike one!" 31 March J.Hurst (and 3 above)
man in door: "But all he said was "I didn't receive the Comfy Chariot in time for Cold Wars!"" STEVE, AGE OF GLORY
Here's a couple that were on The Miniatures Page web site that made me laugh!
"Bob soon learned the restaurant was serious about its dress code" tberry7403
"OK guys, I took the big hidden magnet away! Now try again...." Patrick R.
"Sung Fu had been in the Big Brother house so long, he'd forgotten just how aggressive tabloid journalists could be" Suekes
otherwise they keep on coming!
"When Sun Tzu says no solicitors, he means NO SOLICITORS" 18th March
"Hold your fire! Apparently he's not a Jehovah's Witness" 18th March
"Not bad Grasshopper, but you may go only after you can snatch the pebble from my hand." 18th March
"I hope at least one of you brought a pair of pliers to clean up with when you're finished" 18th March
"Ding-Dong" Avon calling!" 17thMarch Dave
Man outside "See I told you Eric the Viking was correct, "The Cloak Of Invisibility" does work"
man in doorway " I told you not to go outside in your sisters dress, we are not ready for crossdressing yet"
man in doorway "Stop teasing the peasants and come inside." 16March Dan (and 2 above)
man in door- "this looks like another nailed on certainty" 16thmarch Nick Stocks
"So how did they take it when you told them we didn't want any cheese this week?" 16March Mark in Virginia
""Verve"- the new Lynx effect. Taking battlefield deodorant to new levels" 15thmarch Simon
"O, so sorry, I meant Qui ling, not Qua lo." 15thMarch
"this is only a drill a real Ninja would be dressed in black"
"This is not the Samurai you want, move along."
"Its alright we'll take the pepperoni pizza." 14th March Fitzlyon(and 2 above) 誰是真英雄? 殺!殺!殺! 14thMarch Charlton "Keep shooting! He'll fail his saving throw eventually." 14th March
"Wrong again, Xaioren. My men CAN hit the broad side of a barn!" 11th March Rob
"Off you go now boys.... he's got to come in, his tea's ready! But he'll be out again tomorrow." 3rdMarch M.Alexander
"Wait- I just hired him to kill the assassins!!!"
"Sa-Wing Batter - he can't hit!! He Can't Hit!!! HE CAN'T HIT!!! Sa-Wing Batter!!!"
"Hold on- I want multiple patterns down the wall too!!!"
"While you are re-loading- do you mind if he has a potty break??" 7th March Jovian1(and 3 above)
"Not only does it chop and dice, but it come with a free set of steak knives as well."
"Next batter up." 4th March Scott(and 1 above)
"Hay, the dude is cool! See how long he can last"
"Don't shoot! He is MINE."
"When I count to three, all shoot at once." 7thMarch James Ma(and 2 above)
"No! We don't want a copy of Watchtower." 3rdMarch
"Damn, I never thought my "Warring States" stuff would be this popular!"
"Look guys, I'm not lying. Mr Jenkins has definately paid the electricity bill!"
man with sword: "See what you've done now?" man in doorway: "OK, OK. next "Trick or Treat' I will have some sweets ready."
"Han, you bloody fool. I said 'Go bring the Japanese Lord', not 'Chinese Horde!'" 10thMarch Orctrader (and 3 above)
"That's it no more alcohol for any of you the night before a battle...."
"My head is killing me, stop your flapping and tell me which one to shoot at..."
"Try the one in the middle..." 13th March (and 2 above)
"Confucius say if man not hit by 100 arrows then point is escaping him."
man in doorway: "All right, next time we want Tom Cruise on OUR side."
Q: What do you call a champion who cannot be hit by your best archers? A: Cost Lee
man in doorway: "Hang on lads, we found the missing fortune cookie"
man in doorway: "So, I was wrong. You CAN hit the broad side of a barn, you just can't hit anything else"
man in doorway: "Well, this certainly isn't the year of the archer...." 12March Rex (and 5 above)
Here are the entries so far, surprisingly I didn't have to leave any out!
"I don't suppose any of you have change for a fiver?" 25 Feb
Can you keep it down out there? I have a souffle in the oven. 25 Feb, John the OFM
"SHHH! You will wake the baby."
"You break it, You buy it!"
"You go nOw!"
"The next test will be even harder."
"STOP! this is my date."
"HEY! This is a private party" 25 Feb, B. Shein (and all 5 above)
"Oh! Didn't realize you were busy. I'll come back later." 25 Feb, Bob
"Hey, anybody here order a pizza?" 25 Feb, Bob in Edmonton
"It's alright boys! This one's ALLOWED to see my daughter." 25 Feb,
"Once again .... If you are not on the list, you do not get in!" 25 Feb, Larry Enoch
"Was it something I said?" 25 Feb, Rocky
"And, don't forget the milk!" 25 Feb, Michael Barlow
'Stop! Don't you think we should give him a chance to explain?"
"Do you mind? some of us have to get our beauty sleep!"
"Guys, he's got a really big sword, maybe you should surrender."
"Yet again Wang's evil eye trick had got him out of a toughy."
"After this shirade, Evil Lord Yuan would be having words with his evil minion recruiter/"
"Have you ever considered double glaz......I'll come back later then."
"You guys don't know when to quit do you?"
'Don't touch him, he's just had a paint job!" 25 Feb, Porthius (and all 7 above)
"Stop! He only looks like Bin Laden!" 25 Feb, Mike
"Okay, okay, everyone ...please! I think it's safe to say we have a clear winner for the knife and spear throwing act auditions!" 25 Feb, mjkerner
"STOP! at least let him get a fresh change of underpants."
"Your Crossbow instructor is so fired!" 25 Feb, Blueduck
"Got swords?"
"You sword fight good! Who was your master?"
"Am I interrupting anything?"
"Did Custer ever have a day like this?"
"You keep fighting, I'll go for reinforcements!"
"Whoops, I was looking for the bathroom."
"Hey, don't I know you guys". 25 Feb, Brian Babcock (and 7 above)
"Now While Charlie, Alan and the Ground Force team have a break they have told me that the frame for the climbing rose needs to be on a south facing wall... sorry guys we need to take this down an do it again". 25 Feb, Karl
"It's a trap! There's two of them!!!!!" 25 Feb, Clyde
"Wait! Don't make him any angrier." 25 Feb, Don Miller
"Tell your little friends to go home now and come in and do your homework, son." 25 Feb,
"Its OK guys; Jack's got it covered." 25 Feb, PJ
"Fred, you got these guys handled? Cool. I'll be over in the tavern having a beer. Come on by when you're done." 25 Feb, Eric
"BOYS, keep it down and GET OFF OF MY LAWN!" 25 Feb, Saber6
"A-ha, my wings of steel will protect me!" 25 Feb,
"Ok enough's, enough. You can have your ball back. But the next time you kick it over the gate, Yin here will put his sword through it." 25 Feb,
'You fools! Thats not Mifune, You CAN hit this one!"
"I see you'r busy, I'll come back later"
"For once, I would prefer the job does not go to the lowest bidder" 25 Feb, Steve (and 2 above)
"Always trust a noble to bring a sword to a crossbow fight."
"Guards, this salesman did not believe the sign!"
"Bring my daughter home late will you!" 25 Feb Fitzlyon (and 2 above)
"Who's next for their shadow puppet?" 25 Feb, Graham
"OK, OK, perhaps I do have some candy for you kids after all, nice costumes by the way!"
"Thanks for that guys, I guess it was worth paying for that anti Jehovah's witness protection after all." 25 Feb, Dick Garrison
"Arrow,.. Arrow ...Arrow... wot's going on ere then?" 25 Feb, Brendan
"Gosh sorry guys, but you didn't ask for no MSG" 25 Feb,
Man at the door: " Can you keep it down? I'm watching a martial arts movie in here!" 25 Feb, Michael Ng
"One at a time or all at once...makes no difference to me!!" 25 Feb,
"It's okay lads, Steve IS buying the next round." 25 Feb,
"Gentlemen, your eyeglasses are ready." 25 Feb, justbill
"Is tha the bes' yoo cahn due?!?!?!" 25 Feb, KiMonarrez
"Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh.....missed me!" 25 Feb, Dave Waxtel
"Worst Firing Squad Ever." 25 Feb, Quentin Westcott
"Sic'em, Rex" 25 Feb, ChickinChainmail
Guy with sword "alright then...... we'll call it a draw?" 25 Feb, Monty Python/Brushlicker
"But I do have some good news....... I saved a bundle on my car insurance at Geico." 25 Feb, Peggy Beattie
"The Samurai is ray-shielded so you'll have to use proton torpedoes" 25 Feb, Robert Brody
"Right ,who threw that? Come on! If the culprit doesn't own up, you can all stay behind and clear this mess up" 26 Feb.
".....and through here we get a splendid view of the informal gardens...WHOA!!" 26 Feb
"HEY, HEY! Could you all go outside and do this, please. I need to get the chariot out of the garage" 26 Feb
"Could the bride's family please leave their weapons at the door!" 26 Feb
"Ming. Could you throw me the toilet roll, I can't get through" 26 Feb
"Could I have a big hand for our next act. He's here tonight, all the way from Beijing...." 26 Feb
"Hang on guys, this is not the man that approved the Games Workshop price rise!" 26 Feb, Mark
"OK, the final audition for the knife throwers assistant is now finished, and I think we have a clear winner" 26 Feb Andy H
"These Henchmen are good for nothing..." 26 Feb
Ancient Chinese proverb "Do not despise your hirelings for all rolling eyes of the snake" 26 Feb, Guy
"STOP! He's mine" 26 Feb
"Wait. It's O.K. It's just my stupid brother-in-law" 26 Feb
"Follow me! They can't stop men who want to be free" 26 Feb, Phil (and 2 above)
"Hey! All you Kids, OFF MY LAWN!" 26Feb, Gergle
"I'm holding out for a hero!" 26 Feb, Phil Gray
Man at door" Hmmmmm, it's now clear why the 'Cross Eyed Crossbowmen of Hang Kang' were so cheap to hire." 26 Feb Steve
"How many times do I have to tell you to quit teasing the blind kids?" 26 Feb, Fitzchivalry
"Captain Fong! You will no longer allow the troops to attend Buddhism instruction after target practise!" 26 Feb
"Had enough then? Oh goody, MY turn" 26th Feb
"Arms master Zhang has seen my last yuan, thats for sure!" 26th Feb
"Oh for cripes sakes, at least open your eyes!" 26thFeb
"Now that you realize we can strike anywhere that you are not, prepare to die!" 26th Feb, 54(and 3 above)
"Is this the right room for an argument?" 26thFeb, Ben Hill
"Now I'm really PISSED OFF!" 27thFeb
"Hey, I spent all week painting this!"27thFeb
"OK,ok, no anchovies" 27thFeb
"Dude..... UNCOOL!"27thFeb Ken(and 3 above)
"I no Care how far you come. You no ticket, you no laundry" 27th Feb
Man in door-"I warned ya didn't I?! Those are now MY arrows! Now you kids get off my lawn!" 27th Feb
man in door- "Ball one hundred and four!" 27th feb
"Despite a lifetime of Wushu practice, Sifu Chen was unable to protect the wall from the hail of missiles." 27thFeb Neil Brady
"Hm! He is made of harder stuff! Colonel Fang! Fetch...... THE COMFY CHAIR!" 28thFeb Dave
once again many thanks to all that entered, and a special thanks to my wife Susanna for listing all the entries on the website.
check out the other Caption Contests for extra laughs!